19 December, 2010


Someone told me when she was young back in nigeria, she has three brothers and they like to disturb her a lot, one day their dad returned form work and broought them an Okin biscuit each, within 5 minutes her brothers had eaten theirs, they were begging her to give them some she says no! they started abusing her of how slow she eats and how stingy she is but she ignored them. Meanwhile their Dad wearing agbada was sitting on the sofa with one leg spread accros the chair arm as he watches tv warning them to keep it down, all of a sudden one of her brother just jacked the Okin biscuit and they started throwing it at each other so she was struggling to catch it and Bam! it landed on their dads manliness area, out of curiousity and sudden reaction she just ran and grabbed her dads d1 ck she missed the biscuit, their dad stood and said they all needed deliverance, he lied them all up on the floor and flogged them thoroughly with pankere and belt and they went to bed hungry. i laughed my wig off lol.

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