19 December, 2010


Someone told me when she was young back in nigeria, she has three brothers and they like to disturb her a lot, one day their dad returned form work and broought them an Okin biscuit each, within 5 minutes her brothers had eaten theirs, they were begging her to give them some she says no! they started abusing her of how slow she eats and how stingy she is but she ignored them. Meanwhile their Dad wearing agbada was sitting on the sofa with one leg spread accros the chair arm as he watches tv warning them to keep it down, all of a sudden one of her brother just jacked the Okin biscuit and they started throwing it at each other so she was struggling to catch it and Bam! it landed on their dads manliness area, out of curiousity and sudden reaction she just ran and grabbed her dads d1 ck she missed the biscuit, their dad stood and said they all needed deliverance, he lied them all up on the floor and flogged them thoroughly with pankere and belt and they went to bed hungry. i laughed my wig off lol.

12 December, 2010


Here is the saying I want to start this post
with: “Hope is the golden thread that should
be woven into every experience of life.” It
does sound very poetical and inspirational,
but I believe in daily lives hope and faith
have some very practical implementation
and can bear some very “earthly” and
material results. They truly have to become
a part of all we do or want to do, all we
have or dream to have. And, I believe one
of the greatest joys of life is to have your
hope and faith fulfilled and to see the
results of your efforts and expectations
coming true in your life.

The Bible says that the granted wish is like a
tree of life. I believe God not only knows
this, but this is the way He designed us. So,
it is actually His joy to answer our prayers
and give us help, when we need it. But,
there is also our part in the process, and this
part is to hope, to stand in faith and to
do, what is up to us to do. So, let us take a
look at how our hopes can get the practical
implementation and bear visible results in
our lives.
Here is a little story, I would like to share
with you. It happened in my life, and I
know similar things can happen in yours.

After some years walking with the Lord, I
felt like He was calling me to enter full time
ministry. In fact, I had a prophesy over my
life and I knew, I would be traveling much
around and preaching Gospel. But, I needed
some financial resources to do it. And, I
definitely needed a car. At that time I had no
money and no chance of getting a car. I had
no natural resources to get it. All I had was
hope. So, I decided to turn to supernatural.
As the saying goes: where God guides, He
provides. I decided to pray and stand in
faith, cause prayer with no faith is just the
waste of time.
I prayed and believed. You know, faith can
be there with no emotions at all. You do not
have to feel something you believe in, but
hope is very emotional. It really comes to
our aid, when we start weakening in our
faith. And the hope got kindled in my heart.

11 December, 2010


I believe there no people on this earth, who
have never experienced their times of
darkness and distress. It comes to all of us
and I guess there is no used to hope such
times would avoid troubling our lives and
giving us heartache. But, when the darkness
comes, hope still has to be there to help us
out and to keep our faith in light. And the
darker it is around us, the brighter any light
within us becomes. So, here we will talk
about the light in the dark and about how
you can come out of any life troubles with
“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn
hope that if you just show up and try to do
the right thing, the dawn will come.” I also
believe that some of us have tried and
proved the trueness of these words in our
own lives. The Bible says that hope
produces patience and perseverance,
because if you have a sure hope, you
simply know, the morning is coming and
the dark will pass. Sometimes our saving
hopes come brilliant and shining in glory,
they inspire us and move us to great deeds.
But at other times, when life seems really
dull and empty, hope may simply quietly
step in and help us, with no great shine and
in no great attire. It comes by as a gray
cloaked stranger, but still it revives the heart
and gives it the strength to go on.
Once in my life I had a situation, when life
really seemed not worth living. I was young
and unexperienced. All my hopes and
dreams were brilliant and big. But, in one
moment they seemed all to be quenched
and cast out of my life. And than one
woman told me such words: believe me or
not, you are going to make it through. Then
she shared with me some of her life stories.
She had much darker situation, than I did
back at that time. Though, I did not feel
much comforted or inspired by her words.
But somehow, they gave me the little, tiny
hope to move on. They gave me at least
something to hold on to. And, I did make it
Sometimes, problems and slow times we
experience in our lives, may seem like an
end to it all. But in really most such
situations become a new start for
something bigger and brighter. Here is
another amazing quote on hope: “When the
world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try
it one more time.” There is a true story
about Alabama farmers. It happened back in
the beginning of the 20th century. They
used to plant much grain and cotton there
and make their living on it. It all went
smooth for a while, but once the grain
eating bug showed up there from the South
America, their wellbeing failed them. Most of
their harvest was no longer theirs. It was
clean eaten by the bug and they had no
money to live on.
Most of them despaired and wanted to sell
their farms, but one guy stood up and said:
what if we start planting something else.
What if try peanut? It sounded clean mad.
They never believed, they could make
money selling peanut, but they had this
small hope kindling in their hearts and they
gave it a chance. In their first season,
growing peanut, they’ve made more money
ever, than on the grains. They have
managed not only to make their living on it,
but it led them to prosperity. So, you see,
even little and humble hope can produce
awesome results, if you just give it a
chance. Here are the words of Christopher
Reeve and they are worth believing: “Once
you choose hope, anything’s possible.” I will
add: the choice is yours.


I believe there no people on this earth, who
have never experienced their times of
darkness and distress. It comes to all of us
and I guess there is no used to hope such
times would avoid troubling our lives and
giving us heartache. But, when the darkness
comes, hope still has to be there to help us
out and to keep our faith in light. And the
darker it is around us, the brighter any light
within us becomes. So, here we will talk
about the light in the dark and about how
you can come out of any life troubles with
“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn
hope that if you just show up and try to do
the right thing, the dawn will come.” I also
believe that some of us have tried and
proved the trueness of these words in our
own lives. The Bible says that hope
produces patience and perseverance,
because if you have a sure hope, you
simply know, the morning is coming and
the dark will pass. Sometimes our saving
hopes come brilliant and shining in glory,
they inspire us and move us to great deeds.
But at other times, when life seems really
dull and empty, hope may simply quietly
step in and help us, with no great shine and
in no great attire. It comes by as a gray
cloaked stranger, but still it revives the heart
and gives it the strength to go on.
Once in my life I had a situation, when life
really seemed not worth living. I was young
and unexperienced. All my hopes and
dreams were brilliant and big. But, in one
moment they seemed all to be quenched
and cast out of my life. And than one
woman told me such words: believe me or
not, you are going to make it through. Then
she shared with me some of her life stories.
She had much darker situation, than I did
back at that time. Though, I did not feel
much comforted or inspired by her words.
But somehow, they gave me the little, tiny
hope to move on. They gave me at least
something to hold on to. And, I did make it
Sometimes, problems and slow times we
experience in our lives, may seem like an
end to it all. But in really most such
situations become a new start for
something bigger and brighter. Here is
another amazing quote on hope: “When the
world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try
it one more time.” There is a true story
about Alabama farmers. It happened back in
the beginning of the 20th century. They
used to plant much grain and cotton there
and make their living on it. It all went
smooth for a while, but once the grain
eating bug showed up there from the South
America, their wellbeing failed them. Most of
their harvest was no longer theirs. It was
clean eaten by the bug and they had no
money to live on.
Most of them despaired and wanted to sell
their farms, but one guy stood up and said:
what if we start planting something else.
What if try peanut? It sounded clean mad.
They never believed, they could make
money selling peanut, but they had this
small hope kindling in their hearts and they
gave it a chance. In their first season,
growing peanut, they’ve made more money
ever, than on the grains. They have
managed not only to make their living on it,
but it led them to prosperity. So, you see,
even little and humble hope can produce
awesome results, if you just give it a
chance. Here are the words of Christopher
Reeve and they are worth believing: “Once
you choose hope, anything’s possible.” I will
add: the choice is yours.

09 December, 2010


The son of the soil. A profundity juvenile born before holocaust in the domesticity of Okeke. A genial & salient guy with multi-sobriquet/multi-appellation with multi-meaning. Too sagacious & feisty, full of wisdom, rectitude, veracity & humility. Always filled with mirth & felicity and in serious mood perpetually. A child of possibility born to mend not to destroy. A cordial & an affable individual who idolized one lass, all lads and those who admire knowledge. A renowned, robust & facetious boy who does not grant any play on his intellectualism. A young brilliance who aimed to achieve a goal not to score a goal. A paramount & prudent adolescent who is dexterous and tactful/discreet with his speeches.
